Monday 26 November 2007

Saving Baby Grace

In Galveston, Texas Authorities said they were "fairly confident" that a child whose body was found on the shore of Galveston Bay last month was the 2-year-old daughter of a woman arrested during the weekend with her male companion. The girl's body that was found in a plastic storage bin that washed ashore on Oct. 29 was called "Baby Grace" but is actually 2-year-old Riley Ann Sawyers.

I have the worst psychic powers in the world, I know stupid things about people like where they went for dinner or what they are preoccupied about I have gut instincts that are never wrong but I can't get the lottery numbers. yesterday I went onto the UK missing childrens data base and searched for a female child missing in the last year, one of the choices was the bad rendition of Baby Grace which I clicked on and read about. I vaguely remember the case when it happened and was reminded when I read it.

The next day I logged on only to find the same bad rendition of the child along with an actual picture saying they have solved it that very weekend. What a useless super power I'm like "I told you so man."

Riley's mother Kimberly Dawn Trenor, 19, and the boyfriend she met on-line Royce Clyde Zeigler II, 24 told relatives that a social worker from Ohio (where Riley's father lives) took the girl to him. Sheryl Sawyers Riley's grandmother, called Texas authorities after learning of Baby Grace as she had not seen the child since her alleged leaving in July.

A stupid young couple with selfish motives in charge of a beautiful little child and she pays the price. I shall watch this case and say a prayer for the poor child.


Anonymous said...

Fuk this just plain pisses me off..
some lime in the interweb mocked the drawing of this baby
fuck You
I haned it to the artists who HAD a corpse to work frm..the condition was prety SHITTY
Whaen I saw the real picture alongside the rendition my heart was saddened for the artist who had to draw a rendition of a HUMAN that was DECOMPOSED,
May the fucker mother and Step Father burn in hell and suffer --eh, not bloody like;y, I am so fucked off I cannot even type or speak,\

Old Knudsen said...

I know what you mean, I follow many of these stories to try to understand the people behind the crimes but can't they are just scum and I wish I could be there for the victims to save them.

Old Knudsen said...

It is a scary looking picture and doesn't do the child justice but I wouldn't like to have to do that job.

dai said...

you are right it is a scary looking picture, i can't help but think that her dad and grandmother immediately knew that it was her the minute they first saw it on the news. it must have been terrible. that cunt of a mother and the shithead she's married to should be made to suffer and then killed.

Old Knudsen said...

They all don't seem to be too bothered about the gurls where abouts its a sin.