Susan Atkins a follower of Charles Manson who stabbed pregnant actress Sharon Tate to death nearly 40 years ago is dying of brain cancer in a California prison and has three months to live, she was denied compassionate release .
In 1969 while high on LSD Atkins stabbed repeatedly to death 8½ months pregnant actress Sharon Tate who pleaded for the life of her unborn baby. Tate's plea was denied. Atkins then tasted her blood and wrote 'pig' on the wall.
In 1969 while high on LSD Atkins stabbed repeatedly to death 8½ months pregnant actress Sharon Tate who pleaded for the life of her unborn baby. Tate's plea was denied. Atkins then tasted her blood and wrote 'pig' on the wall.

They wanted to hang the bodies but were unable to.
Atkins has also had her left leg amputated and is paralyzed on her right side, gee I hope she isn't suffering..........

She has not displayed any remorse and only apologised for the crime in a parole hearing years later.
Atkins' medical treatment and paying for prison guards to watch over her has cost state taxpayers more than $1.4 million since March, according to the corrections department.
How many non-murdering scum have gone without medical care since March ? it seems you get looked after better in prison than in the outside world.
Atkins' medical treatment and paying for prison guards to watch over her has cost state taxpayers more than $1.4 million since March, according to the corrections department.
How many non-murdering scum have gone without medical care since March ? it seems you get looked after better in prison than in the outside world.
Atkins, 60, has been denied parole 12 times, don't worry she won't be wasting anyone else's time with another hearing.
She was sentenced to the death penalty in the 70's but then the left-wing dipshits in California overturned the death penalty. How many schools and hospitals have suffered through a lack of funding to keep cunts like this alive?
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